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  5. Transaction




To get available currencies you have to use this method

private void getCurrencies() {
        try {
            // get list of available currencies from tetra
            transactionCurrencyValues = getTransaction().getAvailableCurrencies();
            // check transactionCurrencyValues contains values
            if (!transactionCurrencyValues.isEmpty()) {
                // init list of currencies code to display
                List transactionCurrencyCode = new ArrayList();
                // create a list of currencies code to display
                transactionCurrencyValues.forEach(currency -> {
            } else {

        } catch (IngenicoException e) {

Register the listener for transaction Done


Start transaction

private void startTransaction() {
    // Initialize numeric code value
    Long currencyNumericCode = -1L;
    // Check availability of items in spinner
    if (transactionCurrencyValues.size() > 0 ) {
        // Get selected numeric code value
        currencyNumericCode = (long) (transactionCurrencyValues.get(0)).getNumericCode();
    // Cast to final numeric code value
    Long finalCurrencyNumericCode = currencyNumericCode;
    new Thread(() -> {
        try {
            // Fill transaction parameters
            TransactionInputData inputData = TransactionInputData.builder()
                    .setAmount(new BigDecimal(5.20))

            // Start the transaction
            TransactionRequest request = getTransaction().start(inputData);

            // Request accepted?
            if (!request.isRequestAccepted())
                throw new Exception("Could not start transaction: " + request.getTransactionStatus());

            // Fine, ongoing payment
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Start transaction failed", e);

To abort transaction you have to use this source code

private void abortOngoingTransaction() {
    new Thread(() -> {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

            Log.e(TAG, "Abort transaction failed", e);

            isProcesscing = false;

When the transaction is done you have to check the result

public void onTransactionDone(TransactionResult transactionResult) {
    boolean success = transactionResult.getStatus() == TransactionStatus.TXN_STATUS_TXN_APPROVED;

    mContext.runOnUiThread(() -> {
        // Show OK or KO according to the transaction success
        isProcesscing = false;



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