Build a new in-store digital commerce experience.

Design apps for Ingenico's smart terminals and commerce point-of-sales platforms.
Converging business & payment.

Get started


Join Ingenico's developer community to build strong in store digital apps and services for merchants on our latest generation of smart terminals.

Get started

Develop end-to-end business solutions

Leverage our extensive worldwide network of acquirers with presence in more that 170 countries to distribute your apps. Ingenico has led the payment terminal industry for more than 35 years. We offer the widest range of smart terminals, which combine cutting-edge technologies with the highest security requirements and can be paired with POS management services.

Easy developer journey


Register your development team

To access our online API docs, development guides, and tools. You get free, unlimited access to our dedicated and friendly support.


Order a developer kit

Disclose your hardware interests based on your use-case and target market. After qualifying the opportunity, you can receive a development unit (loan).


Hit the market

Receive support for your business development from a leading international player to reach merchants easily and leverage Ingenico’s extensive network of acquirers.


Be seen where it matters.

Done with your app development ? Publish your application on the Ingenico App Showcase and reach out to our community of 1000+ Ingenico partners around the globe to promote your application and identify distribution channels.

We help you with the promotion and sales of your solutions. Grow your customer base faster and reduce the duration of your sales cycle.
